Travel from Madrid to Valencia by car


To travel from Madrid to Valencia drive we recommend the following path to be the best price / time.

To arrive by car from Madrid to Valencia

You must take the A-3 for 355 Miles about the trip lasts 3 hours 30 minutes. The A-3 no toll for any tranche.

If you want to reach the center of Valencia should continue without ever leaving the A-3.

Once you are entering Valencia will cross a bridge over the ring of Valencia (V-30). You should continue along Avenida del Cid and position in the center lanes to go under the tunnel about 500 meters,

Continue without leave during 1700 meters, then this Avenue renamed Calle de San José de Calasanz, later continues along Calle San Francisco de Borja and Calle Pintor Benedito, you should always go straight until you reach the Plaza de Spain.

You must turn left to reach Calle San Vicente Martir where to continue for about a mile to the number 33 of this street, then turn right and you are in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia.

During the trip has stations for refueling.

Hopefully you have been our driving utility travel from Madrid to Valencia by car


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To navigate Valencia bike, subway or bus shows all options below.

We are at your disposal for any queries you may have

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